Our focus is to conserve and restore the natural and cultural resources of the Chesapeake Bay watershed for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations.
We believe the Chesapeake is a national treasure that should be healthy, accessible to everyone, and its watershed a place where people and wildlife thrive.
To conserve and restore the natural and cultural resources of the Chesapeake Bay watershed for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations.
We serve as a catalyst for change, advancing strong public and private partnerships, developing and using new technology and empowering environmental stewardship.
Our objective is to accelerate progress to conserve 30% of the Chesapeake watershed by 2030 by equitably connecting people to the Chesapeake while conserving and restoring priority lands and waters.
Protecting and restoring the Chesapeake Bay requires diversity in perspective and practice.
Chesapeake Conservancy understands that protecting and restoring the natural and cultural resources of the Chesapeake Bay watershed require intentional commitment to inclusive practices and narratives within the conservation movement. Through our work we celebrate and elevate the people, places and cultures of the region, especially by engaging underrepresented communities. Committing to the values of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice is critical to achieve our vision of a Chesapeake that is healthy, accessible to everyone and a place where people and wildlife thrive. To that end, we commit ourselves to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice both in our programmatic priorities and our internal organizational development through inclusive recruitment of staff and board members and fostering a diverse and inclusive culture.
- Advocate for and implement the priorities of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network and the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail (Chesapeake Trail) in partnership with the National Park Service
- Quantify the conservation movement and empower environmental stewards
- Defend and expand conservation, recreation and restoration programs
- Enhance collaboration and leverage partnerships
- Develop replicable approaches
What We Do
Connect people to the natural, cultural and recreational opportunities of the Chesapeake watershed – including its rivers, tributaries, landscapes and historic places. Implement Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail (Chesapeake Trail) and Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network in partnership with the National Park Service.
Work with partners and leverage data-driven strategies to conserve 30% of the Chesapeake watershed’s lands by 2030 and the special places that are important to diverse communities, indigenous tribes, and visitors and that preserve the Chesapeake watershed for this and future generations.
Expedite the Chesapeake watershed restoration effort by leveraging data-driven strategies and partnerships to meet regional habitat and water quality standards and provide their associated community benefits.
Infuse diversity-based policies and practices in our culture that are essential for the success of Chesapeake Conservancy’s mission.
Ensure adequate funding, staff, controls and proficiencies to remain the key partner for connecting, conserving and restoring land and water in the Chesapeake watershed, including with the Earl Conservation Center at Quiet Waters Park.
Message from the Chairman & President

Chesapeake Conservancy President & CEO Joel Dunn and Board Chair Randall Larrimore celebrate 10 years of Dunn’s leadership
Reflecting on 2021
Into the second year of the global pandemic, there was still so much that we did not know, but as a society, we hung onto hope. As an organization, Chesapeake Conservancy seized on that feeling of hope as inspiration for our conservation work and our work to strengthen communities throughout the Chesapeake Bay.
We set our sights on the future, using technology and innovation to help our watershed prepare for climate change resiliency. We led by example as we committed to greater diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in our organization, and we welcomed new cabinet secretaries and other leaders as these principles took hold in the conservation movement nationally and locally. We partnered to open new parks, provide bilingual programming and increase public access to the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
As more people turned to nature for solace and recreation during the pandemic, they strengthened their relationship with the outdoors and inspired others to join them. This is something our society will not give up. Our love of the great outdoors is here to stay, and our federal, state and local parks must keep up with that demand.
Thankfully, policymakers are starting to respond with new ideas and investments for parks and other public lands, and Chesapeake Conservancy is ready to support these initiatives. Hope abounds as we do the work of conserving land and restoring the health of the Chesapeake Bay with the active inclusion of all stakeholders, especially those who are or have been historically excluded and separated from meaningful involvement and participation.
Thank you for your support that made so many achievements possible. We are proud to share this reflection of 2021, a year during which we helped create new parks, advance the proposed Chesapeake National Recreation Area, use innovation and technology to empower Chesapeake restoration, form new conservation partnerships and conserve hundreds of acres–with success stories across the watershed. Chesapeake Conservancy has pledged to help Pennsylvania restore the health of 30 agriculturally impaired streams by 2030, embraced the Biden Administration’s commitment to conserving 30% of the nation’s lands and waters by 2030 and renewed our commitment to saving 30% of the Chesapeake Bay watershed by 2030. It is hope for the future that inspires this work.
Randall W. Larrimore, Chair
Mark Belton, Vice Chair
Leslie Delagran, Treasurer
Marc Bunting, Secretary
Maite Arce
Rich Batiuk
Thad Bench
Michael Brubaker
Joel E. Dunn
Matthew Earl
Colin Harrington
Verna Harrison
Pamela D. Marks
Stephanie Meeks
John G. Neely
Mamie A. Parker, PhD
John J. Reynolds
Chief G. Anne Richardson
Jeffrey Sabot
Nancy B. Walters, PhD
Molly Joseph Ward
Beattra Wilson
Honorary Members
Gilbert M. Grosvenor
US Senator John Warner (ret.)
Emeritus Directors
Patrick F. Noonan
Charles A. Stek
David Blitzer
Keith Campbell
Charles H. “Chip” Collins
Dr. Wilton “Wilt” Corkern
Lavinia Currier
Dr. Sylvia Earle
Elinor Farquhar
Sid Jamieson
Amanda Savage Mahoney
Joan Murray
Truman Semans, Sr.
Nancy Merrill Sullivan
Ann Swanson
John Turner
H.W. “Skip” Wieder
Steven Williams
Conservancy Staff
Michael Bowman, Partnership Communications Coordinator
Mark Conway, Executive Vice President of Programs
Jody Couser, Senior Vice President of Communications
Jacob Czawlytko, Geospatial Data Engineer
Carly Dean, Program Manager
Joel E. Dunn, President & CEO
Melissa Ehrenreich, Senior Vice President of
Development & Business Strategy
Kelsey Everett, Partnership Digital Resources Associate
Jenna Feinauer, Bilingual Interpretive Outreach Assistant
Ellen Gardner, CFO/Senior Vice President of Finance
Adrienne Gemberling, Senior Project Manager
John Griffin, Chesapeake Conservation Partnership Program Manager
Ryan Hill, Project Coordinator/Geospatial Analyst
Louis Keddell, Geospatial Program Manager
Elliott Kurtz, Senior Geospatial Analyst
Emilie Lahneman, Development & Annual Fund Coordinator
Isabel Layton, Bilingual Interpretive Outreach Assistant
Jacob Leizear, Conservation GIS Project Manager
Amelia Lowe, Chesapeake Conservation Corps Member
Kumar Mainali, Senior Data Scientist
Patrick McCabe, Geospatial Analyst
Joseph McCauley, Chesapeake Fellow
Emily Mills, Geospatial Technology Manager
Susan Minnemeyer, Vice President of Technology
Mary Molloy, Geospatial Analyst
Erin Montgomery, Communications Associate
Mende Naylor, Executive Assistant
Matias Orrego, Bilingual Interpretive Outreach Assistant
Reed Perry, Manager of External Affairs
Matthew Provost, Vice President of Development
Gabrielle Roffe, Manager of Equity & Community Engagement
Frank Rohrer, Restoration Project Advisor
David Saavedra, Senior Geospatial Technical Lead
Daniel Salomón, Bilingual Interpretive Outreach Assistant
Julian Segovia, Bilingual Interpretive Outreach Assistant
Helen Sieracki, Human Resources Coordinator
Khadija Smith, Geospatial Analyst Intern
Rachel Soobitsky, Geospatial Program Manager
Lisa Spallitta, Accounting Coordinator
Susan Stephenson, Grants & Contracts Specialist
Katie Walker, Geospatial Program Manager
Michael Walker, Restoration Project Advisor
Emily Wiggans, Senior Geospatial Analyst
Nicholas Wright, Geospatial Analyst Intern

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks, center, front
Strengthening and Forming Conservation Partnerships
Most conservation achievements involve multiple partners. In 2021, we celebrated our existing partnerships while forming new ones. On Earth Day, April 22, Chesapeake Conservancy joined with partners to welcome Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks to Vienna, Maryland, to highlight the Middle Chesapeake Sentinel Landscape Partnership, a significant tool for conservation on the Delmarva Peninsula.
The Bureau of Land Management Eastern States held a ceremony in November commemorating the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Chesapeake Conservancy at the Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area in Lorton, Virginia.
Chesapeake Conservancy was selected to participate as a member of the second cohort of the International Land Conservation Network’s (ILCN) Large Landscape Peer Learning Initiative. This initiative connects conservation practitioners around the world to build relationships, share insights, advance strategies and solve problems.
318 Acres Conserved in Dorchester County, Maryland
A partnership between the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the United States Department of the Navy, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), The Conservation Fund (TCF), Mt. Cuba Center and Chesapeake Conservancy conserved 318 acres in the Nanticoke Rural Legacy Area on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. With the acquisition of this conservation easement, known as the Eberspacher tract, from a consenting landowner, the Nanticoke Rural Legacy Area now contains over 24,000 acres of preserved land.
Pennsylvania Goal to Restore 30 Agriculturally Impaired Streams by 2030
On Earth Day, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf joined with Chesapeake Conservancy and local conservation partners to announce a new collaborative environmental initiative for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to restore the health of 30 agriculturally impaired streams by 2030. Many community partners have engaged in this effort, including the Pennsylvania departments of Environmental Protection and Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), Susquehanna University, seven county conservation districts, as well as the dozens of nonprofits, research institutions and local, federal and state agencies involved with the Central Pennsylvania Precision Conservation Partnership, Lancaster Clean Water Partners and the Live Stake Collaborative.
Report: Private Conservation Finance Critical to Restoring the Chesapeake Bay
In May 2021, the Environmental Policy Innovation Center and Chesapeake Conservancy released a comprehensive new report, Private Conservation Finance: The Chesapeake Bay’s Global Lead and How to Expand It. The report examines the programs and initiatives involving private conservation finance in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington D.C. that are connected to the health of the Chesapeake Bay’s waters and ecosystems. Authors of the report estimate that approximately $4.2 billion of private investment has been deployed over the past 20 years to benefit Chesapeake conservation goals.
270 Acres Conserved in Wicomico County, Maryland
A 270-acre, family-owned farm on Rewastico Creek in Wicomico County, Maryland, is permanently conserved thanks to a collaborative approach. Partners included Wicomico County, Maryland Department of Natural Resources Rural Legacy Program, U.S. Navy through the Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration program, Lower Shore Land Trust (LSLT), Chesapeake Conservancy, Mt. Cuba Center, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Healthy Watersheds Consortium. Approximately 70 acres of agricultural land and 200 acres of forest and forested wetlands are now conserved in an extensive area of protected lands in and around the Quantico Creek Rural Legacy Area.
Grand Opening Oyster House Park
Chesapeake Conservancy and partners celebrated the grand opening of a new park along the Chesapeake Trail in Seaford, Delaware. Oyster House Park, located at the site of the old J.B. Robinson Oyster House, opened for the public to enjoy the expanded river walk, fishing nooks, performance deck, boat docking facilities and a kayak launch along the Nanticoke, one of the most pristine rivers of the Chesapeake.
Nanticoke Crossing Park
Chesapeake Conservancy and partner Sussex County Land Trust (SCLT) celebrated the protection of 41 acres along the Nanticoke River in Delaware, now opened to the public as the new Nanticoke Crossing Park. The park includes 29 acres of a mixed hardwood-pine forest, 12 acres of open area with large canopy trees and 1,900 feet of meandering shoreline with healthy, freshwater tidal, wetland plants. This is the 21st parcel protected through the Chesapeake Conservancy’s partnership with Mt. Cuba Center for a total of 3,050 acres. Other conservation partners involved in the project include Sussex County Council, U.S. Navy via its Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program, Delaware Open Space Program and Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife.
30 by 30
In January, Chesapeake Conservancy welcomed President Biden’s announcement of a new national goal to conserve at least 30% each of the nation’s lands and waters by the year 2030 in order to protect America’s wildlife and natural landscapes.
In concert with this national initiative, Chesapeake Conservancy embarked on a 30% by 2030 conservation and restoration goal for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Chesapeake Conservancy believes that the Bay watershed is an ideal proving ground for a U.S. 30% by 2030 conservation and restoration goal.
Morgan State University Internship Program
Charles County Government partnered with Chesapeake Conservancy to hire two student interns from Morgan State University, Khadija Smith and Nicholas Wright, through its Patuxent Environmental and Aquatic Research Laboratory (PEARL) Summer Internship program.
Chesapeake Conservancy’s Conservation Innovation Center mentored the summer interns as they worked on projects to map opportunities to improve access to green space, protected areas and recreational opportunities for underserved communities in Charles County, Maryland. The PEARL Summer Internship program develops students’ skills in project design, fieldwork, laboratory research and scientific writing. Chesapeake Conservancy provided the students with training and work experience in using geospatial analysis to support land use planning and conservation goals.
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
In November, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, bipartisan legislation that invests more than $1 trillion in infrastructure projects across the United States. The funding includes $238 million for the Chesapeake Bay Program over five years to help provide tools to mitigate impending climate impacts and restore the health of the Chesapeake.
Chesapeake National Recreation Area (CNRA)
The coalition of partners and organizations that joined together in 2020 to support the call for a Chesapeake National Recreation Area (CNRA) continued to build momentum for this “21st-century park.”
In March, U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and U.S. Representative John Sarbanes (D-MD) formed a working group to consider legislation that would establish the CNRA, a new unit of the National Park System. The working group includes more than 30 regional organizations representing a diverse set of stakeholders such as the State of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Virginia, Chesapeake Bay environmental nonprofits, representatives from the watermen community, marine manufacturers, diversity and inclusion-focused organizations, conservation groups and national park experts.
A Chesapeake Bay area survey of voters commissioned by Hispanic Access Foundation and the Chesapeake Conservancy, and conducted by David Binder Research, found that Latinos in Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and Virginia strongly support increasing public access to the Bay and helping secure funding for its restoration. In fact, 84% of Latino voters would support the creation of a CNRA.
The proposed CNRA would be a collection of parks and other public lands in the Chesapeake Bay that through NPS status would bring national and international attention to the Bay’s significant natural, cultural, historical and recreational resources. Formally connected through partnerships between the National Park Service and communities and states, these parks would become the CNRA and tell a consistent narrative about the nation’s largest estuary and one of the world’s largest environmental restoration efforts. Visit www.united4cnra.com to learn more.
Maryland Governor Hogan’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget
The year started off strong with the Maryland General Assembly passage of the state budget for fiscal year (FY) 2022, which provides substantial funding to support Maryland state and local parks and open space protection.
The FY 22 budget provided full funding—a total of $178.9 million—for Maryland’s Program Open Space. The General Assembly also included repayments to Program Open Space from past diversions to the General Fund, and the budget directed nearly $23 million to address critical maintenance at state parks. Additionally, in response to a significant increase in local park usage during the COVID-19 pandemic, the General Assembly also included an additional $85 million to support local park improvements.
FY22 Federal Appropriations
Chesapeake Conservancy celebrated President Biden’s FY 2022 budget proposal that included significant and much-needed investments in land conservation and environmental protection initiatives, including for the Chesapeake Bay. The president’s proposed budget increased funding for EPA Geographic Programs, which includes the Chesapeake Bay Program. Additionally, it provided substantial funding for federal conservation programs and funding for many other federal programs supporting conservation and public access in the Chesapeake Bay, including the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network, the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and the National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office.
Online Tools for Landowners Considering Conservation Options
Thanks to a partnership of conservation organizations, landowners considering conservation in Maryland’s Frederick and Washington counties; Virginia’s Augusta, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Frederick, Page and Warren counties; and West Virginia’s Jefferson and Berkeley counties have access to three new online tools to better understand and incentivize their options.
The tools will help landowners better understand the importance of the environmental and cultural features of their properties, perhaps incentivizing them to choose conservation and better protect their land. This work was funded by the Land Trust Alliance’s Chesapeake Bay Land and Water Initiative grant program. Partners included the Safe Water Conservation Collaborative (SWCC), the Heart of Maryland Conservation Alliance (HMCA) and the Shenandoah Valley Conservation Collaborative (SVCC), which enlisted the expertise of Chesapeake Conservancy’s Conservation Innovation Center (CIC).
Partners Highlight James River Water Quality Achievements
The Virginia Environmental Endowment (VEE), Chesapeake Conservancy and The Commons released a new visual graphic computer platform called a “StoryMap,” highlighting achievements in improving water quality of the James River in Virginia made possible by the endowment’s grant program, the James River Water Quality Improvement Program (JRWQIP). Produced by the Chesapeake Conservancy’s CIC, the new StoryMap highlights some of the achievements made by the grantees since the grant program began in 2018, including new riparian buffers, agricultural pollution reduction practices, living shorelines, stream restoration projects and investments in the Jamestown region. JRWQIP grantees track details and impacts of their work using an online platform called FieldDoc, which was developed and is maintained by The Commons to manage and visualize progress.
Virginia Study Shows Efforts to Improve Water Quality Also Counter Climate Warming
In August, the CIC issued a report Climate Benefits of Chesapeake Bay Restoration in Virginia, which examined how efforts to improve water quality in Virginia’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay watershed have also provided a secondary benefit of helping to remove carbon from the atmosphere. The results of this study indicate that a large opportunity exists for accelerating climate action within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Solar Siting Study for St. Mary’s County, Maryland
At a 2021 meeting of the St. Mary’s County Solar Task Force, the CIC presented a new report: Optimal Solar Siting for St. Mary’s County, Maryland. Using geospatial analysis, the report identifies optimal solar sites and answers the key question: Are enough optimal sites available to meet St. Mary’s County’s renewable energy goals for solar energy while avoiding impacts to agriculture and the environment?
The analysis results showed St. Mary’s County offers significant optimal opportunities for solar placement in the existing built environment that would minimally impact the natural landscape or prime agricultural land including on rooftops of commercial and residential buildings, above parking lots as solar canopies, on capped landfills, around the Marlay-Taylor Wastewater Reclamation Facility and on county-owned properties.
First Map of Ground-Mounted Solar Arrays
In March, using artificial intelligence (AI) and satellite imagery, Defenders of Wildlife and Chesapeake Conservancy partnered to make a dataset available for the first time that will enable researchers in a variety of fields to understand patterns of solar development and estimate environmental effects for the Chesapeake region. This project, funded by a grant from the Grayce B. Kerr Fund Inc., mapped ground-mounted solar arrays—a collection of multiple solar panels—to get an understanding of how solar is being built across the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed.
A complete, up-to-date inventory of solar arrays has never been available for the Chesapeake region. This groundbreaking data will allow researchers in a variety of fields to understand patterns of solar development and estimate their environmental effects for the region.
The 2021 Champions of the Chesapeake are Marcus Kohl and Jason Fellon, employees of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and Jonathan Doherty, assistant superintendent of the NPS Chesapeake, who retired after 41 years with the National Park Service.

From left to right: Chesapeake Conservancy Board Member John Reynolds, Champion of the Chesapeake Jonathan Doherty, Chesapeake Conservancy President and CEO Joel Dunn and NPS Chesapeake Superintendent Wendy O’Sullivan
Regional Director, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Watershed Manager, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Our sincere appreciation to the individual, foundation and corporate donors who have made our work possible. We truly appreciate your generosity.
Carol Remmer Angle
Blue Waters Foundation
Bunting Family Foundation
Carl M. Freeman Foundation
Mary and Charles Dankmeyer
Jimmy Earl
Farvue Foundation
Franklin P. and Arthur W. Perdue Foundation
Grayce B. Kerr Fund, Inc.
Hamer Foundation
John G. and Jean R. Gosnell Foundation
Merrill Family Foundation
Barbara Moulton
Richard King Mellon Foundation
Shared Earth Foundation
TeraWulf Charitable Foundation
The Conservation Fund
The Helena Foundation
The MHE Foundation
Molly Ward
West Virginia Outdoor Heritage
Chesapeake Bay Trust
Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds
H. Turney McKnight
Ed Hatcher and Angie Cannon
Randall Larrimore and Cathy Cutright
Roemer Foundation
The 1994 Charles B. Degenstein Foundation
U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities
Virginia Outdoors Foundation
Bancroft Foundation
Leslie Delagran and Mark McConnell
James M. and Margaret V. Stine Foundation
Carolyn Marshall
The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation
Virginia S. Warner Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Don and Becky Anderson
Curtis Backus
Barbara Bass
Scott Beatty
Mark and Mary Belton
Aaron Bowden
Bradley and Kathryn Callahan Family Foundation
Mike Brubaker
Marc Bunting
James Burden
Kevin Campion
Duncan Cocroft
Charlie Conklin
Kevin and Katie Cooke
Alex Corckran
Couser Family
Jeffrey Eckel
Elinor K. Farquhar Charitable Fund
Benjamin Fisher
Richard L. Franyo
Howard Freedlander
Greg Gershman
Thomas Guise
Paul Hagen
Handa Family Charitable Fund
Maria Heyssel
Joe and Martha Janney
Jay and Tara Joseph
Bess Langbein
Dale and Patricia Larrimore
Judy Larrimore
David Law
Lucie Lehmann
Lauren Maddox
Milford Marchant
Mariposa Fund
Joseph McCauley and Julia Herrick
Mark Mcculloh
John McDonnell
Patrick McGeehin
Patrick Miller
Martin Miller
John and Susan Neely
Joel Nelson
Ocean Atlantic Management
Leonard and Anna Pfeiffer
Piacentino Charitable Fund
Edward Quinn
Anna Quisel
Ray Family Foundation
Bill and Donna Roberts
Ted Rouse
Jeffrey Sabot
Sally E. Law Charitable Fund
Steven Schuh
Richard Scobey
Heather L. Ross and Edward L. Strohbehn Jr.
Amy Stump
John and Kimberly Thacker
The Campbell Foundation
Dan Tinker
Gordon and Christine Trapnell
David and Laura Urban
David and Maria Vershel
John Wakeman
Alice and Hill Wellford
Eric Zagorsky
John Zepp
Ziger Snead Architects
Great Blue Heron Club
Sandra Anderson
Michael Avery
Tara Balfe Clifford
Nancy Bekavac
Thad Bench
Ann Bissell
Jonathan Carson
Cho-Packer Giving Fund
Tom and Lois Colberg
Mark Collins
Edmund Cronin
Clint Damuth
Sally Davidson
Brian Devincentis
Michael DuVall
Mike and Susan Eckhart
Paul Ferraro and Kristin Rowles
Jessica Flynn
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Kim Hansen
Verna Harrison and Bob Pelrine
Virginia Bice Hartman
Barbara Haupt
Marcia Henning
Laura Kelm
Peter and Linda Krivkovich
Bill and Leslie Lahneman
Will and Meg Lahneman
Jim Levitt
Regan Littell
Vicki Littell
Bruce Lowry
Laurence and Sue Manlove
Pamela Marks
Brian McCabe
Holly Mcculloh
Dennis W. Meadowcroft
Jamison Miller
Susan Moerschel
Liza and Sky Morehouse
Lloyd E. Oliver
Liam O’Meara
Mark and Karen Perreault
Christine Plummer
Robert Proutt
Mike Ruby
Bill and Wendy Schickler
Brenda Shaeffer
Robert and Maureen Shapter
Stephanie Short
Doug and Lynn Smarte
Melissa and Peter Smith
Earl Spangenberg
Fred Sprock
Charles Stek
Jim and Amy Stolarski
Erin Strunk
Ann and Eric Swanson
The Point Crab House and Grill Matthew Trotta
Lorie Tudor
Marcia Verploegen Lewis
Nancy Walters
Mark Warren
Warren Family Fund
Susanne and Harrison Wellford
David Wye
Mark Young and Rachel Carren
Eagle Club ($250-$499)
Anonymous (5)
Scott and Kathy Allan
Lisa Aszklar
Rich Batiuk
Susan Benac
Jason and Caryn Berstein
Jim and Shirley Blackwell
Curtis Bohlen
Elizabeth Buck
Megan Bundy
Bob and Jona Capra
Joan and David Carers
Kayla and Evan Carillo
Patricia Cavallaro
Jim Coffey
Steve Cohan
Julie Crudele
Larence Culleen
Robert Davis
Demetri Diavatis
Mary Clare Duffy
Melissa Ehrenreich
Gregory Flynn
Michael Gardiner
Betty M. Garrand
Kyle P. German
Crista Hajiantoni
Ryan and Jane Hall
Melinda and Terry Harris
Christine Hayes
John Holmes
Craig and Kathy Hougum
Chris Hufnell
Thomas Innes
Cacky Janssens
Michael Kasmir
Steve Kelly
Joel Koslow
Albert Krall
Andrew Kupchock
Chelsea Langaton
Ery Largay
Ned and Rebecca Lawson
Marcia Verploegen Lewis
James Lighthizer
Robert Loarie
Patricia Logan
Olympia Fiedler Lord
Christian Malone
Joseph and Anne Maroon
Amy Meyer
Melanie Miller
Mark Mobley
Kathy Moore
Mary Margaret Nousek
Keith O’Connor
Vinnie Odell
Raymond Odom
Kimberly Pell
Keith Pivonski
Vanessa Ritchie
Robin Rothman
Virginia Smith
Richard Springer
Jennifer Stone
Thomas Straehle
Joan Barton Sundheim
Rameez Tase
Karena Thek
Robin Vaughn
Louise Wagner
Kenneth Weems
C.D. Wrestler
Steven and Linda Wright
Hsin Hsin Yang
Claire Zarrilli
Osprey Club ($100-$249)
Anonymous (4)
Seth Ackerman
Madelyne Adams
Mary Alexander
Barbara Anderson
Sally Anderson
Gerardo Araiza
Rob and Elizabeth Aronson
Bryan Ashby
Cheryl Atkins
George Audi
Jennifer Aus
George Badenoch
Kellie Baldwin
David and Nancy Balliet
Elizabeth Barrett
Maureen Barrett
Susan Barron
Catherine Bauer
Melissa Beck
Susan Benac
John Benedetto
Tim and Kathy Berghoff
Natalie Bevan
Gordon Binder and Michael Rawson
Carleen Birnes
Cheryl Bishop
Gayle Blansett
Sarah Boggess
Paul Bollinger
Joanne Bond
Dave and Lisa Booze
Stephen Bourgeois
Jessie Bourke
Peter Bouxsein
Kevin Bowler
Richard and Margaret Boyd
Barbara Boyd
George Brill
Robin Broder
Ranelle Bruch
Jane Buch
Ann Burchard
Evelyn Burt
Mr. and Mrs. William Butler
Rebecca Byrd
Christine Byrne
Doug C.
Stacie Caeg
Elizabeth Campbell
Anna Capetanakis
Dale Carpenter
Chris Carpita
Meghann Carroll
Anna and David Castle
Carter-Minnemeyer Family
Keith Chapman
Alice Chiochetti
Michael Clark
Jeffrey Clark
Basil Clarke
Cara and Mike Clifford
Jane Cogswell
Ian Conner
Nolan and Christina Connor
Lindsay Cook
Daryl Cooke
Rosa Coowan
David Cosimano
Michelle Costa-Briggs
John Costello
John and Danielle Crawford
Mary Ann Cronin
Patricia Cronin
Sterling Cross
Darren and Joanne Crozier
Mary Ann Crozier
Carson Culp
Diana Dale
John and Anne Danneberger
Ronald and Loretta Davis
Brett Davis
Malcolm and Nancy Davis
Tim Davis
Carol Day
Jennifer Dean
Carol DeGarmo
Paula A. Degen
Christine DeGuzman
D. Cameron DeHeer
Carole Denton
Tim and Susan Derum
Deborah Deschamps
Brian Deutsch
Sandra Dodson
Diane Donato
Tim Donegan
Jason Dowell
Gene Downing
Michele Doyel
Nathan Dumas
Joel Dunn
Nicole Dunn
Greg Dusenberry
Jeanne Edwards
Susan Ehrenreich
Sarah Elder
John Eldridge
Dorry Emmer
Bob and Linda Ensor
Lindsey Erickson
Christopher Evans
Corinne Fantz
Gary Farr
Alessia Faverio
Brenda Faverio
Mark Feen
Mike Feldtmose
Kathleen Helen Felmey
Phil and Elizabeth Fields
Sherry Fisher
Dan Flagler
Mike Fleagle
Louis Fletcher
Francis Flynn
Andrew Forsyth
Caroline Foster
Molly Franey
Sarah Franey
Jill Fratanduono
Susan Fries
Chris Gabel
Frederick Galloway
Gerald Gallwas
Garay Family
Garden Club of Twenty, Inc.
Ellen Gardner
Todd and Sheryl Garfinkel
Linda Gaydos
Kip Gendell
Jeffrey Gilbert
Helen Perrier Glaser
Betsey and Pep Godfrey
Godstrey Family
Carey Goryl
Ronald Gossard
James Gould
Bill Gourgey
Addison Greenfeld
John and Michele Griffin
Bartley Griffith
Tom and Sarah Gritter
Shari and Val Guarino
Jesse Guercio
Christopher Guy
Andre and Cathy Gvozden
Anne Habberton
Ed Haile
Julia B. Hale
Max and Cathy Hall
Chris and Meg Hankin
Garrett Hansen
Trish Hanzsche
Steve Hardy
Edelen Harless
Henry Harrison
Daniel Heimlich
Donald Hellmann
Cheryl Hickox
Steve Higgins
Chris Hipgrave
Jean Hogan
Mary Holthaus
Lawrence Hooper
Anastasia Hopkinson
Megan Hopkinson
Mike and Es Horst
Allan House
Kathryn Howser
Brian and Margey Hudkins
Cynthia Hugoniot
Harry Huntley
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund
Sallie Jackson
Anita Jagt
Dan Jahn
Marilyn Jarriel
Diane Jewell
Michael John
Anne Johnson
Elizabeth G. Johnson
Paul and Maggi Johnson
Brett Jones
Laura Jones
Jim and Mary Keelty
Kimberly Kelleher
Alison Kelly
Alma Kelley
Christopher Kelly
William Kelly
Adam Kennedy
Carolyn Kennedy
Peter and Barbara Kennedy
Poppy, Sadie, and Ruddy Kenton
George and Maggie Kerchner
Robert Killius
Andrew Klump
Greg Koeln
Sue Kozel
Betsy Lafferty
Margaret Lake
Cynthia Langhirt
Mary Lanigan
Larry Larry
Dominic Lascola
Daphne Lathouras
Amanda Lauer
Charles Leaver
Christina Leitch
Michelle Faunt LeRoy
Phillip Lewis
Katie Limbacher
Steve and Ann Lindblom
Hank Lobe
Eugene Lopez
Lili Loukia
Diana Love
Fred and Jean Lucas
Margaret Madden
Teri and Mike Magnotta
Devin Maier
Kumar Mainali
Patrick Manning
Charlie Martel
Tom Martel
Nick and Andrea Martin
Jane Marvel
Grace and Bruno Mattiello
Kennedy Mauche
Michael and Phyllis McCauley
Thomas McCollum
James and Elizabeth McCormick
June McCormick
David McDermott
Kevin McDermott
John McGlannan
Geneva McGlauflin
Tracy McGowan
Robert McIntosh
Ed McMahon
Michael McNeely
Douglas and Johanna McPherson
Jane McWilliams
Ann Mech
Eric Medinger
Michael and Camille Medinger
John Meiser
Lara Meiser
Tom and Shonna Meiser
Richard Mendenhall
Joe Mengele
Jeanne Mignon
Marin Millar
Cyndy Carrington Miller
Melanie Miller
David and Lisa Mills
Alan Mintz
Jerry Mitchell
Drew and Christine Mjoen
Alison Moore
Jack Moore
Nick and Lisa Morabito
Henry Mortimer
Sally Moulton
Tony Moynagh
Suzanne Mrozinski
Amanda, Josh, and MJ Mummert
Elizabeth Murray
Heather Murray
Susan Nash
Kristi Neidhardt
James Nicholas
Henry Nicodemus
Chris Norbury
Michael Norton
Wendy O’Sullivan
Michael OConnell
Vinnie Odell
Vanessa Odom
Stacie Oliver
Edgar Ong
Timothy Orso
Christopher Osborn
Tod Ossmann
Marjorie Ottaviano
Chris Oyler
Larry Page
Aaron Paquette
Daniel Paquette
Phil Park
Johnna Parker
Delphine Peck
Teresa Peeler
Harry Peluso
Steven and Polly Percy
Carmen Perry
Frank and Eileen Perry
Nitin Phase
Sharon L Pilker
Piller Family
Wendy Pirsig
Ron Plexico
Ben Pope
Ann Powers
Kordell Prattis
Mitchell Pressman
Tania Pritz
Matthew Provost
Nicholas Purdy
Michael and Lisa Radin
Frances Ramos
Sara Ramotnik
Nick Rathbone
Josh Rawitch
Douglas Reagan
Bob Reif
Andrea Reitzel
John and Barbara Reynolds
Judith M. Rhodes
Peter Rice
Christopher Richard
Seth Robbins
Ruth Robinson
Leah Roche
Lynne Rockenbauch
Steven Rockwood
Steve and Marilyn Rohrbaugh
Devin Roman
Kathy Roush
Larry Rovin
Debra Ruiz
Susan Russell
Alan Saavedra
Quinn Salamandra
Donald and Constance Santarelli
John A. and J. Luray Schaffner
Ellen Schall
Jennifer Schiess
Kathy Schrecengost
John Schreiber
Steven Schuh
Dana Schultz
Lauren Schulz
John Jay Schwarz
Christopher Seiler
Tracy Seybert
Timothy Sharpe
Robert Shields
Luke and Susan Shingledecker
Steve Short
Michael and Catherine Shultz
Ron and Barb Sickles
Richard Siegel
Stephanie Sillers
Ben Singleton
Irene Skretch
Jessica Skretch
Alma Smith
Caitlin Smith
Chris Smith
Fielder Smith
Virginia Smith
Catherine Snead
Martin and Noel Spindler
Macky Stafford
John Stalfort
Angela Stark
Gloria Stearns
Lacey Stevens
Barbara Stewaret
Daniel Stiles
Roger and Sally Stobbart
R Lee Stocks
David Strobel
Valerye Strochak
Josh Sunderbruch
Mary Susinno
Duane, Kelly, Alex, and J. Magnum Szatkowski
Ari Tannenbaum
Joseph Teklits
The Jay and Kim Weitzel Charitable Fund
Larry Thompson
Melissa Thompson
Eileen Toohey
Don Trust
Peter Turcik
Katherine Tyra
Elizabeth Upton
Elizabeth Urbanski
Victor Urrutia
Amy Vaughn
Mary Vitullo
Robert Waldman
Susan Wallace
Joann Walters
Doc and Kathy Walther
Martha Waltman
James Watson
Ann Wearmouth
Diana Weatherby
Roberta Wedge
Lori Weinstein
Jay Weitzel
Stanley Welle
John Wellens
David J Weymer
Bob Whitcomb
Suellen Wideman
Carol Wiggans
Laura Wiggans
Mary Wigginton
Charlie and Jane Williams
Lee Williams
Taylor Williams
Sharee Williamson
Ben and Becky Wilson
Steve Wood
Woody Wood
Russell Wright
Ivan Wu
Stephen Wyne
Ava Y.
David Yang
Adam Yearwood
Uri Yokel
Alexander Young
Daniel Zajac
Victoria Zanlunghi
Donna and Bob Zellers
Nancy Zolman
Donors $25-$99
Anonymous (5)
Belinda Acre
Peter Adams
Katherine Aina
Allison Albert
Lynn Alcock
Brian and Sarah Allenby
Jeff and Ashley Allenby
Marie Allocca
Andrew Almquist
Ishita Aloni
Sandra Altherr
Vicki Amos
Conor and Jordan
Mary Beth Andersen
Jack and Stephanie Anderson
John Anderson
Nathaniel Anderson
William Anderson
Julie Andrews
Katelyn Arcement
Carl Armbruster
Tom Arnold
Robert Austin
Anna B
Emily Baczewski
Brian Bailey
Sydney Bailey
Michael Baker
Desiree Baldree
Sara Ballesteros
Mark Bandy
Juli Barnes
Ann Elizabeth Barr
Brett and Kim Barthlow
Preston and Janet Bascom
Jennie Bathras
Cynthia Baughan
Samantha Baynes
Bonnie Becker
Elizabeth Beilman
Catherine Beise
Marie Bell
Melissa Biddlecomb
Jay and Sheila Bieler
Sierra Billings
Erin Binner
Joseph Black
Stephanie Blaher
Catherine Blair
Nakiessa Blaser
Michelle Blevins
Christy Blucher
Frank Blume
Dave Blumenstock
Sarah Blynn
April Boera
Kristin Bohl
Kyle Booth
Angie Borja
Laurel Boyd
Kylie Brassard
Earl Brathwaite
Mary Breeding
Melanie Lynn Brevis
Robert Brilliant
Dennis Bronzert
Gary and Sharon Brown
Jeffrey Brown
Randy Brown
Judy Brunkow
Barry Buckley
Margaret Budk
Dave Buemi
Jeanne Bullen
Tara Burke
Sheila Burnett
Kenneth Burrows
Heather Burton
Avanthi Butah
William Butler
Tammy Callender
Emily Cameron
Bridget Campbell
Kristen Campbell
Greg Cantori
Barbara Capoferri
Stephen Carey
Abby Casarella
Susan Casey
Bill Cassidy
Missy Cassidy
Patty Cassidy
Jane Chambers
Jennifer Cheswick
Hannah Chiarella
Anya Cho
Kerry Chubb
Kenneth Cikanovich
Lawrence Civale
Sally Claggett
Patricia Cleavenger
Mike Clemens
Stan Cobb
Linda Colacioppo
Lezly Colerick
Ursula Contostavlos
John Cook
Landy Cook
Mary Cooley
Joyce Cooper-Kahn
Ashley Cornwell
Tom and Ginny Cornwell
Karen Cosgrove
Jack Cover
Becky Coward
Ashley Cox
Lise Crafton
Matt Crawford
Kelly Creeden
James Crockett
Adrienne Croll
Deana Crumbling
Regena and James A. Crutchfield
Agnes Culp
Faith Culp
Brigid Cummings
Joseph Cunniffe
Kenneth Curry
Gus Curtin
John Cushing
Jacob Czawlytko
Karen Daly
Janice Davis
Leah Davis
Gina Dawes
Charlotte DeGreen
Emily Deisroth
Jerilyn Deitch
Stephen Dejter
Marie Delaney
Phyllis Dell
Grace Denman
Elaine Dennison
Ben Derhover
Christiane DeWitt
David Dickerson
Laurie Dietrich
Susan Diffenderffer
Sarah Dinneen
Ginger DiPietro
Jamie Doan
Alex Dodin
Alexis Dorsey
John Dougherty
Jeff Downey
Debbie Driscoll
Jennifer Duffy
Joyce Duffy-Bilanow
Cecelia Dunay
Justin Dunbar
Lianne Dunbar
Wayne Duncan
Stef Dunkerly
Barry Dunkin
Sarah Dunnigan
Carol Duvall
Renee McDermet Easter
Lauren Ebersberger
Eliot Edgar
Kathy Eikenberg
Lynda Eisenberg
Gerald Elder
Steve Elkinton
Melanie Emerson
Sheree Emerson
Barbara Eutsler
Penelope Evans
Warren Evans
Mary Evert
Laura Fabian
Roger Fajman
Bryan Farrell
Angela Farrow
Cayla Faverio
David Faverio
El Faverio
Mrs. Karen Fedorov
Rhonda Feist
Diane Fernandez
Julianne DeGraw Fettus
Janet Finamore
Catherine Findley
Bob and Lisa Fisher
Jeanne Fisher
Ronald Fisher
Danielle Fleischman
Mariah Flores
Marianne Follingstad
Josh Forgione
Wendy Forrester
Elaine Fors-MacKellar
Donna Fowler
Lori Fowler
Courtney Fox
C Franklin
Jennifer Freeland
Julie French
Barry and Kelly Friedman
Wendy Funk
Michael G
Frank Gadell
Tami Galloway
Ellie Gardner
Alison Gary
John Gavin
Mark Gavrish
Abby Geismar
Brian Gelb
Adrienne R. Gemberling
Anne Geraci
Christine Gerbode
MJ Giannini
Christine Gill
Eliot Girsang
Carolyn Goddard
Joe and Jackie Goetz
Eleanor Goff
Alexandra Gold
Hayden and Linda Gordon
Rob Graboski
Cass Grady
Lori Graf
Joe Graff
Sherry Graff
Jason Grant
Pamela Gregory
David Griffith
Stephen Griffith
Christina Grove
Kate Grove
Beverly Guercio
Melissa Guercio
Taylor Guercio
Susan Gunning
Sharon Gustin
George Guthrie
Katherine Gypson
Cynthia Halberg
Jill and Ridge Hall
Margaret Hall
Rob and Danielle Hallsky
Julie Hamilton
Ally Hammond
John Hancock
Kris Hanks
Sophia Hardesty
Anna Harding
Elizabeth Harris
Deborah Harrison
Annie Hasselgren
Theresa Hayes
Catherine Hayo
Chip and Patty Heaps
Betsy Hein
Kathleen Heinecke
Eloise Hendrixson
Danalee Henkart
Herbert Hennings
Courtney Henry
Abby Hensley
Brian and Cheryl Heymans
Taylor Hickox
Karen Higby
Nancy Hill
Sherm Hill
Joanna Hinton
Nancy Hisky
Mike Hockesgon
Krissy Hoffman
Linda Hofmann
Dustin Hofstein
Courtney Holtzman
Faith Hoover
Rob Horne
Kathy Hoverman
Christina Howard
Mary Howes
Nicky Hroblak
Cynthia Hull
Matthew Hunley
Marc Hunt
Lea Hurt
Alyssa Iddings
Lynn Irwin
Fred Israel
Lisa Jahnke
Keith Jahoda
Carol Jelich
John Jennings
Kelly Jennings
Craig Johnson
Emily Johnson
Krista Johnson
Patricia Jonas
Amanda Jones
Dana Jones
Deborah Jones
Elizabeth Jones
David Jordan
Mea Kaemmerlen
Judy Kahan
Glenn and Theresa Kahler
Mandy Kearney
Michael Keene
William Kelleher
Sara Kellenberg
Mary Kellogg
Ian Kennedy
Lisa Kenyon
Robin Kessler
Anna Killius
Robert Killius
Sarah Kim
John Kime
Johnny Kime
Barbara Kingsford
Roxanna Kingston
Chuck and Carol Kirchhoff
Marsha Kirchhoff
Laurie Kiser
Amy Knesel
Denise Knoebel
Brad Knopf
Jean Knouse
Dr. John P. Knud-Hansen
Nancy Kobel
Steve Kover
Jennifer Kozlowski
John Kuriawa
Doctor Kutchacokov
Jeff Kuver
Peter Lacerenza
Katherine Laczin
Brittany Ladanyi
Brooke Lahneman
Emilie Lahneman
Anthony LaLota
Debbie Lamey
Laura Landes
Linda Laramy
Giovan Lascuola
Joseph Lascuola
Carol Laverdiere
Robert Lavis
David Leathery
Alan Lehman
Jeff Leitch
Lorraine Leonard
Margaret Leonard
Ann Lerian
Stuart Levine
Karen Liese
Christi Linardich
Veronica Lindemon
Kerri Lindsay
John Littlefield
Beth Locke
David Lockwood
Marilyn A. Lockwood
Michelle Logan
Megan Long
Mark Loucas
Louis and Nayoung
Susan Luczak
Erin Lueders
Julie and Bernie Mac
Jessica MacBride
Dwight Mackel
Samantha Macleary
Karen Madsen
Emma Mankey Hidem
Laurie Mann
Nick Marsh
Dwight Martin
Jonathan Martin
Suzanne Martin
Rebecca Marx
Pam Masella
Mary Beth Mason
Fay Mauro
Jennifer Mayhew
Kevin and Sean Mc
Betsy McCaul
Carolyn McClain
William McCreary
Jennifer McCullum
Scott McDaniel
Lori McEntee
Catherine McGrath
Kara McGuirk
Debra McKay
Paula Mcloud
Diana McNemar
Niamh McQuillan
Erin McVeigh
Jennifer Meehan
David Meiser
Ellie Meiser
Mallory Meiser
Neil Meister
Brittany Mengel
Joseph Meno
Dean Merritt
John Meskauskas
Cathleen Meyer
Jo Miller
Kelly Miller
Kim Miller
Michal Miller
Steve Miller
Wendy Miller
Emily Mills and Danny Berghoff
Wayne Mills
Michael Milovich Jr.
Stephanie Molloy
Michelle Montalbano
Elizabeth Montaner
Carol Moore
Jane Moore
Nicole Morgan
Michele Morris
Christopher Mudrick
Liz Muhitch
Misti Mukherjee
Kit Muller
Denise Murphy
James Murphy
Marisa Murphy
Connie Musgrove
Daniel Musiker
Kathy Musso
Drew Mutch
Timothea Nalepa
Jacqueline Neil
Elizabeth Nellums
Mary Nemarich
Wayne and Mary Ness
Colin and Cath Nevins
Spencer Nguyen
Denise Nickel
Alec and Grace Noah
Joyce Nolan
Brenda Norman
Sheila Norris
Jessica Noviello
Christine Nye
Patty O’Daniel
Catey O’Brien
Jamie Oconnell
Michael Odachowski
Joanna Ogburn
Connie and Ron Olsen
Kathleen Olson
Karma O’Neill
Jessica Opalski
Lisa Orange
Teri Orsini
Lillian Ortega
Lindsey O’Shea
Luke Ossmann
Megan Ossmann
Anthony Ostuni
Lindsay OSullivan
Dave Padavana
Jen Padavana
Ben Page
Kent and Phoebe Palcanis
Wendy Palmer
Karen Paradiso
Chris Parks
Pascal Patin
Valerie A Pawlewicz
Annie Pearce
Rob Peel
Georgia Peeler
TJ Peeler
R and B Pelisek
Eric Penttinen
Paul Perdue
Cindy Petelinkar
Rick Peterson
Thelma Peterson
Kelley Phelps
Larry and Janice Pifer
Jean Plants
John and Emily Pleasant
Renata Plecha
Dan Pletcher
Stephanie Plummer
Elizabeth Poacher
Denise Poland
Olga Polites
Lisa Poore
Paul Potyraj
Bea Poulin
Marjorie Poynor
Marjorie Prescott
Debbie Prince
William Pucher
Rosemary Quast
Lauren Rakvic
Amanda Rambo
Andrew M Ramotnik
Cindy Ramotnik
Wesse Ranes
Andrea Ray
Lester Reeder
Kirk Regina
Bryan Register
Jodi Reilly
Janet Reinsel
Margaret Reis
Emily Reymann
Catherine Richards
Mike Richards
Mr. and Mrs. V.B. “Tack” Richardson III
Carol Richardson
Erika Ricucci
K Riddervold
Susan Ridge
Susie Riley
Jean Rodier
Elizabeth Roell
Barbara Rose
Suzanne Rosier
Pamela Roth
Stacy Roth
Gregory Rothman
Ron Rothman
Gary Roznovsky
Amy Rubin
Stephen Rudberg
Sue Rund
Paul and Suzanne Rung
Cat Runk
Rosemary Ryan
Greg S.
Irving and Marsha Salzberg
Beth Samwell
Douglas Sanford
Edye Sanford
Mark Sarrasin
Patty Savannah
Ryan Scheuermann
Janice Schmidt
Heather Schramek
Joane Schumacher
Lynne Schumacher
Martha Schwieters
Candace Scott
Susanne Scott
Amy Seely
David Segermark
Schumacher Seiler
M Severance
Ravi and Nithya Shankar
Lauryn Shapter
Ann Sharp
Kristen Sharp
Karen Sharpe
Sarah Sherlock
Clark and Marion Shingledecker
Randi Shultz
Anna Shumaker
Helen Sieracki and Scott Reichert
Sheryl Sieracki
Lauren Silberman
Glenna Simmons
Melissa Sines
Adrianne Skinner
John Sloan
Mary Ann Smith
Joanna Smith
Kris Smith
Mary Anne Smith
Robert Smith
Sheila Smith
Tim Smith
Valerie Smith
Wendy Smith
Winder Smith
Malinda Smyth
Jack Snell
Steven Snipes
Jason Snyder
Meagan Sobel
Elizabeth Sokoloff
Noell Sottile
Joe Sottosanti
Daniel Spack
Lisa Spallitta
Laura Leigh Steele
Chip and Cathy Steffe
Anne Stevens
Barbara Stewart
Braden Stocks
Bob Stoll
Sarah Stolte
Diane Stoltz
Nancy Stoner
Donna Stotts
LaWann Stribling
Eleanor Strietman
Nancy Struna
Paul Sturm
Celeste Sullivan
Joshua Summers
Anne Sumner
Cynthia M Sumner
Mark, Roxanne Susinno, and Kamin
Melanie Szvitich
Maximillion Takanashi
Tricia Talbott
Christine Tantisunthorn
Eric Thibau
Annette Thomas
David Thompson
Laura Thorpe
Lisa Tillman
The Tippin Family
Linda Tony
Veronica Townsend
Leslie Travis
Anthony Trenkle
Daniel Triman
Carole Trippe
Ted and Jeanne Trott
Rolf Tschudin and Susan Gentleman
Jennifer Turlington
Meade Turner
Carol Urbanski
Judy and Tim Urlock
Daniel Valentine
Barbara Vandegrift
Brian Vandegrift
Melissa Verge
Janet Vill
Meaghan Vranas
Andrew Waldron
Walker Family
Wallace Family
Joshua Wallace
Erica Walling
Nancy Walter
Betty Lou Ward
William Warshauer
Susan Watts
John Weaver
Stephanie Weidman
James Welch
Nancy Weller
Celeste Wells
Stephanie Wendling
Kathryn Wesson
Wendy West
Hila Wever
Francine Wheeler
Bryan Whitehorne
Debbie Wiggans
Emily Wiggans
Scott Wiggans
Stacey Wildberger
Maria Wilkom
Donald Williams
Elizabeth C Williams
Charles Willingham
Darlene Wilson
Martha Wist
Ellen Witko
Beverley Witt
Mariah Wolek
Alex Wolfe
Wendy Wolff
Patricia Worff
Christine Workowski
Kathleen Worthington
Marsha Worthington
Chevon Wright
Pete Wright
Shuang Wu
Jennifer Wyatt
Kyle Wyper
Eric Xiao
Ben Yergey
Rose Ying
Daniel Young
Kelly Young
Andrea Youngk
Kristine Zaleski
The Zanleonis
Beth Zellers
Paul Zimba
Barbara Zimmerman
Thomas Zimmerman
Partners and Clients
Charles County
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Chesapeake Commons
Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County
EcoLogix Group
Electric Power Research Institute
Environmental Protection Agency
Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds
George Washington’s Mount Vernon
Grayce B. Kerr Fund, Inc.
Gunpowder Valley Conservancy
Harford County
Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology
James River Association
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
National Park Service-Chesapeake Bay Office
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Potomac Conservancy
Rappahannock-Rapidan Regional Commission
State of Delaware Joint Committee on Capital Improvements
U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities
U.S. Forest Service – Maryland
Virginia Environmental Endowment
West Virginia Outdoor Heritage Conservation Fund
Wildlife Management Institute
Chesapeake Stewards
(Monthly Donors)
Barbara Anderson
Diana Dale
Janice Davis
Stephen Griffith
Verna Harrison and Bob Pelrine
Matthew Hunley
Lucie Lehmann
Michael and Phyllis McCauley
Anthony Ostuni
Kimberly Pell
Sara Ramotnik
Susie Riley
Ryan Scheuermann
Melissa and Peter Smith
Thomas Straehle
Mary Wigginton
Matching Gifts
Farvue Foundation
John G. and Jean R. Gosnell Foundation
Randall Larrimore
The Bancroft Foundation
In-Kind Gifts
Hogan Lovells
Mayer Brown
Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects
RHR International
Watermen’s Museum
In Memoriam Honorees
Appraisal for Carr’s Beach/African American Heritage Area
B. Hunt Ashby
Gene Austin
Charlie Lee Byrd
Barbara Earley
Boh 2 and Barb Baltimore Falcons
Paul Fisher
Christopher Jeffers Forzano
Chrysostom Hajiantoni
Robert Wesley Jackson
Leonard Press
Kathy Lowry
Vincent Samuel Marino
Bruce R. McCurdy
My Birds Who Have Left the Earth.
My Dad, Thomas V Mike Miller Jr.
Kathleen M. Taddei
Tara and Abby
Senator John W. Warner
Donation Honorees
Audrey 2
Miles Buono
Charlotte Rosalie Canalichio
Carr’s Beach/Historic African American Heritage Park Appraisal
Chesapeake Conservancy staff
Jody Couser
Tammy, Tim, and Gabby Emeigh
Stephanie Hallouet
Ray Hoffman
Allan and Debby Kover
Dale G. Larrimore, Esquire
Lee and Cindie Leer and Family
Chrysa Long and Jim Riordan
Manhua and Sam
Peter Murakami
Carlyn Nelson
Pamela O’Connor
John Reynolds
The Blumenstocks
Richard B. Thompson
Dottie Trostle and Family
John Zepp and Tim Hirneisen
Ron Zepp and Family
John Zimmerman Sr